Sunday, 6 February 2011

‘Should Married Women Work’ and ‘Women Talking to Men’-Magazine Article

Should Married Women Work?
This is a question that challenges the minds of people in today’s’ society.  We all know that back in the day this was not a question for women. They would not even ask, ponder or worry about working. The verb work didn’t even correlate to associate with women. They were not welcome in the work force as their work force was the home. It would seem like there was no empowerment, strength or assertiveness amongst the women in those days but yet women being able to work crept discreetly but yet rapidly into the forefront.
Would it be questioned or apply to a married man to not work? What makes a married man different to a married woman? Physical appearance is the only distinguishing factor that enables men to ‘get away’ with not being looked down upon by society for working. Can’t married men cook, clean, love, nurture, look good, socialize? Can’t married men eat, sleep, breathe, hurt, and cry? Can’t women’s attributes be the same for a man? So therefore, why shouldn’t married women be able to work?
Is the ring a problem? One cannot tell if someone is married without them wearing a ring or being told by the wed or others. If that is a possibly, can women that are not married work? What makes the difference? It comes down to the ring. No? Why isolate the world of work to people who wear wedding rings?
So the answer to this question is,
‘What difference does it make for a married woman or an un-married woman to work?’

I began by asking a question in order for the reader to conjure their own ideas on the topic of the article. I also ended with a question for the same purpose and to make aware that there are no obvious differences between women who are married and those who are not. Most of the article was questions to not give my opinion but for the readers to make up their own mind on the suggested questions. There are also lists to show that there is a lot to a person.

1 comment:

  1. www a brave attempt and partially successful. You have gone for an ambition feature article style, strongly opinionated and ambitious in vocabulary but it doesn't quite work.

    ebi very slight commentary and you really miss the chance to analyse the choices you made in detail especially the lexis and syntax.
